Expanding Opportunities.
Empowering Communities.

We are an organization investing in people, strengthening communities, and uplifting Oregonians from every background.

What We Do

  • Empowerment and Leadership for Youth and Young Adults

    Empowerment and Leadership for Youth and Young Adults (ELY) is a free job skills training program for out-of-school youth ages 16 to 24 in Marion County. ELY specializes in providing comprehensive job skills training, career coaching, adult mentoring, paid work experience and career exploration, education re-engagement services, and postsecondary transition assistance in-real-time to opportunity youth.

  • Healthcare Systems Navigation

    Ensuring the health and safety of the public is our top priority. Through our programs and tools, we help Oregonians navigate the Oregon Health Insurance Marketplace (OHIM) and empower them to improve their lives through local support, education, and access to affordable, high-quality health coverage. Individuals, families, and small businesses can apply for insurance through the Oregon Health Insurance Marketplace and find plans that are better, cheaper, and offer more coverage than those offered to the general public. Coverage under the Oregon Health Insurance Marketplace is typically purchased by people who do not qualify for the Oregon Health Plan (OHP) because their income exceeds the OHP eligibility limit.

  • Emergency Support Services

    Historically, immigrants, Latinx, BIPOC, and non-English proficient populations have been underserved by available emergency outreach and wraparound support services programs. Language and cross-cultural communication barriers, social stigmas, fears, and lack of information have created disparities in who receives emergency outreach and wraparound support services following an emergency or disaster. We deliver culturally comprehensive outreach and will disseminate informative tools and materials in Spanish, Russian, and other languages as needed. We serve non-English proficient populations, BIPOC, Latinx, Russian, Pacific Islander, and rural community members in Marion, North Marion, and Polk Counties. Ethnically, culturally, and linguistically diverse Oregonians must have equal access to available support services that help communities recover from emergencies and disasters.

  • Training and Technical Support

    Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) training is a process not an event. An effective DEI Strategy and Plan reduces health disparities, increases business opportunities, increases profitability, and increases customer satisfaction in the private and public sector. Through Strategic Support, Advisory, and Consulting, Interface Network helps businesses and organizations effectively serve their target markets, attract more diverse talent, and lead the way toward a fair and just society.

  • Translation Services

    Our team has been providing high-quality, professional translation services throughout the Pacific Northwest for more than 25 years. All documents in need of translation from English to other languages will be treated with care and attention to detail to ensure the best and most accurate translations possible. Our professional translations services are quick, easy, and will help you reach linguistically diverse markets. By making your products and services available to non-English proficient individuals, your business becomes more scalable and equitable. Interface Network translators are educated professionals who can help you develop accurate and appropriate translations for your marketing and promotional materials and documents.

What Makes Us Different

  • At Interface Network, we believe diversity drives innovation. We’re always expanding our network of people, programs, and tools designed to give Oregonians from every background the opportunity to make choices that lead to better lives for themselves and their families. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion have always been at the core of who we are. Our commitment to these values is central to our mission and to our impact.

  • At Interface Network, we’re proud of our résumé. Founded in 1986, Interface Network is a key player in the fields of Healthcare Enrollment and Systems Navigation, Workforce Development, Small Business Consulting, Youth Development, and public and private Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Training in the Pacific Northwest.

  • Interface Network is shaped by the diverse communities we serve. We are incredibly proud to partner with community members who are immigrants, Non-English proficient, BIPOC, LGBTQ+, and people/persons with disabilities. Guided by the unique and ever-changing needs of diverse populations building communities in the heart of the state of Oregon, Interface Network establishes networks, programs, and tools that empower people to pursue and achieve their dreams.


 Who We’ve Worked With

  • JVL Construction, Fortis Construction, Costco, D&O Garbage, Don Pancho Authentic Mexican Foods, Salem Health, Willamette Valley Hospice, Woodburn Ambulance, Salem Center Mall, Falk Ambulance, Lancaster Family Clinic, Salud Health Clinic, Salem Free Clinic, PacificSource, United Way, Mano a Mano, PCUN, Oregon Latinx Leadership Network, Latino Network, Latino Business Alliance, OHA, DHS, Northwest Human Services, Cherriots, ODOT, YMCA, Green Acres Landscaping, Salem Convention Center, Willamette Valley Health Equity Coalition, Forever Green Landscaping, Marion-Polk Food Share, Kettle Foods, Woodburn Chamber, and Wilcox Farms

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